Testing for radon - Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the symptoms of radon poisoning?

There are no immediate symptoms to exposure to radon at low, moderate or high levels. Symptoms of illness as a result of radon poisoning include those of lung cancer or stomach cancers. If you are concerned about your health, contact your doctor or health official who is knowledgeable about the effects of radon.

2. When is the best time to test for radon?

Anytime is a good time to test. The best time is during the winter or heating season when doors and windows are closed. If you live in a home with a well, don’t forget to test your water also!

3. Where should I place the radon detector in my home?

To provide a realistic estimate of the radon exposure of your family, all measurements should be made in the lowest lived-in level of the home. That means the lowest level that is used or occupied for more than four hours per day. For some, this may be a basement with a rec room, for others it will be the ground floor.

4. What is the differences between a short-term and long-term radon test?

A short-term radon test is a screening test to get fast results. An example of this is to get an idea how much might be held in escrow for a real estate transaction. A long-term radon test is recommended in order to make a mitigation decision. Health Canada recommends conducting a long term test for a minimum of 3 months - this will provide an average radon concentration which can be compared to the threshold defined in the national guideline.

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5. I have tested and my radon levels are high, what do I do now?

If your radon test result is above Health Canada’s guideline of 200 Bq/m3, a C-NRPP certified Mitigation Professional can help you identify the best radon mitigation system for your space. They will design an effective system, install it according to proper protocols and follow up with a test to ensure the system’s effectiveness in reducing radon levels immediately after installation. The good news is it’s fixable!

News Release - August 27, 2019

Radon Environmental launches new radon awareness and testing campaign, “The Bark Side of Radon”, with support from Sherry and Mike Holmes Jr.

August 27, 2019 - Radon Environmental is launching The Bark Side of Radon, a radon awareness campaign encouraging pet owners to test their indoor air quality for radon. The Holmes family, including Mike Holmes Jr., Sherry, and their furry family members, are supporting the campaign with videos for pet lovers (see links below). The key message? Pets are part of the family and breathe the same air we do. Protecting their health is protecting your whole family’s health when you test for radon.

Radon, a radioactive, invisible gas, is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Seven times heavier than air, radon accumulates close to the ground – where your pets are. Animals can’t take action to protect the air they breathe, but you can.

The Bark Side team is reaching out to every homeowner that loves their pets. To bolster the campaign, they’ve brought on Bark Ambassadors like Simon Fraser University (SFU) professor Anne-Marie Nicol. The campaign started as a health risk communication project to raise public awareness of radon in Nicol’s Faculty of Health Sciences class. Radon Environmental President, Alan Whitehead recognized the idea’s potential to amplify radon awareness. “We love our pets like family – they are our family and best friends. Protect their health and wellness by preventing exposure to radon and the associated cancer risk. Pet owners who care are pet owners who test,” says Alan.

Emily Li, one of the SFU students behind the idea, is now working with Radon Environmental. The momentum has been building with outreach to the animal wellness community, including veterinary colleges and offices, animal advocacy groups, and pet food supply stores. “This is a unique approach to communicating a public health hazard,” explains Nicol. “By reaching out to pet owners known for their high level of commitment to their animal’s health, we are motivating them to test for radon and protect everyone in the home.”

Watch the videos:
Mike Holmes Jr. and his dog Caicos

Sherry Holmes and her cat Loki

Visit the website:

Contact us, get involved:
Alana McFarlane, Communications + Design
Radon Environmental
amcfarlane@radoncorp.com, 778 327 4717

@barksideofradon  @radoncorp  #barkradon

News Release - August 14, 2019

REM Teams up with Fantech in North America

August 21, 2019 - Radon Environmental Management Corp. (REM) and Fantech are excited to announce a new strategic partnership, which will strengthen and expand their offering of high performance radon mitigation solutions, to reduce radon exposure and save lives.

Alan Whitehead, President & CEO of REM said, "We are delighted to have teamed up with Fantech, an established and respected leader in indoor air quality and radon mitigation. Our product lines are both complimentary and synergistic, providing an excellent opportunity for our two companies, to expand their market position, which will benefit our respective clients across North America."

“Combining REM's Radostat technology with Fantech’s air exchange HRV systems is a great example of synergy. Fantech will also add REM’s patented Airwell water treatment technology to their radon mitigation product line, positioning Fantech to now offer a high performance and cost-effective solution to treat radon in well water for the first time" Phil Rivas, Director of Sales, Fantech.

About REM

Radon Environmental is a building and environmental health sciences company focused on reducing public exposure to radon gas. REM provides innovative high-performance radon detection and mitigation solutions to treat radon in air and water. The company consults on radon education, mapping, testing and mitigation planning, with government organizations and the building and construction sector across North America. A strength of the company is its emphasis on strategic development to build strong partner and customer relationships.

About Fantech

Fantech, a Systemair Company, was founded in the 1980’s with just a single product, the inline duct fan. Today, their solutions range in a number of residential and light commercial applications. The Systemair group operates 23 factories in 19 countries globally, 3 of which are in North America. Systemair operates using 3 simple rules attached to our vision: 1.) We put our customers first. 2.) We simplify & 3.) We guide. For Fantech to have a strong future, our markets we work in must be fortified and strong as well, thus market partnerships and stewardship are a priority.

For further information, please contact:

David Innes, Director of Sales

Crystal Lytle, Radon Sales Manager

August 1st is World Lung Cancer Day

Today is World Lung Cancer Day. Lung Cancer claims more lives worldwide than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined. Radon induced lung cancer is real and preventable. Like most people, Janet thought only people who smoked got lung cancer. But that’s not the case. Watch her story.

Rachael Malmberg was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at age 31. The former national-level U.S. hockey player had never smoked and had lived a perfectly healthy life. Since her diagnosis, Malmberg has become an advocate for radon testing. Read more about Rachel's story.

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers, according to EPA estimates. Overall, radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer (after smoking). Health Canada recently increased its estimate of radon induced lung cancer deaths to approximately 16% of all lung cancers or approximately 3,200 Canadians that die annually from radon exposure.

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Health Canada's policy is that all Canadian homes should be tested for radon and mitigated if above the action guideline. Interestingly, many people do not choose to mitigate after finding their dwellings have elevated radon levels. Mitigation need not be difficult or costly.

The only way to know how much radon may be present in your indoor air is to test for it. You can order a radon test online to test your home - it’s easy and inexpensive!

What's new at Radon Environmental

Summer is in full swing but we are gearing up for another busy fall season here at Radon Environmental!

As of July 29th, our office moved to 502-1281 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, BC, V6E 3J7. We are excited about the fresh new space and open for business!

We are booked to exhibit (and speak) at seven shows across North America and more to come! Check out our Events page for details. If you’d like to join us, follow the events page for upcoming promo codes and discounts to attend some of these shows.

We’re already planning for Radon Action Month and we’re launching a new wellness campaign for all the loved ones in your home. Stay tuned for more details!


Welcome to our new website!

We are happy to announce Radon Environmental now has a brand new website!


Look at what’s new!

We’re streamlining to bring you a better customer experience!

We have a new online reporting system, My Pages, directly tied to the laboratory, Radonova. Radonova, an accredited ISO-17025 and C-NRPP laboratory analyzes your completed test and provides your certified radon report.

We’d love to hear your feedback - send us a note and let us know what you think!

News Release - June 3, 2019

Radon Environmental and the BC Lung Foundation Extend and Expand their Radon Testing Partnership Agreement

June 3, 2019 - Radon Environmental Management Corp (REM) is proud to announce an extension to its Partnership Agreement with the British Columbia Lung Foundation to provide efficient and accurate short and long term testing options, to determine if your home, school or workplace has potentially hazardous indoor radon levels.

Radon is a colourless, odourless gas that is produced from the natural breakdown of uranium in rocks and soil. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and can seep into a building through drains, pipes, and cracks and crevices in the foundation.

"We are delighted to have expanded our Radon Testing Device and Service Agreement with the BC Lung, to provide our extended range of Radonova short term (Rapidos) and long term (Radtrak2) alpha track radon detection devices. We supply many local health authorities and public testing initiatives across Canada and our partnership with the BCLA will lead to increased public awareness and radon testing in British Columbia. The Radtrak 2 has the largest range of detection of any alpha trak devices and the Radonova laboratory is the only ISO17025 certified alpha trak testing facility of its kind, so our clients can be confident in the lab analysis and its QA process. One of the features that our clients like the most is RadOnline, Radonova’s online customer portal. Through MyPages, customers can easily input measurement data, retrieve reports, and have an overview on every project, in real-time," said Alan Whitehead, President & CEO of REM.

Alan Whitehead, President & CEO at Radon Environmental and Christopher Lam, President & CEO of the BC Lung Association.

Alan Whitehead, President & CEO at Radon Environmental and Christopher Lam, President & CEO of the BC Lung Foundation.

“The air you breathe, regardless of where you live or work, is important to your health. The BC Lung Foundation is committed to protecting your breathing and that’s why we are excited about our partnership with REM and being able to offer a variety of radon test kits for the public,” said Christopher Lam, President & CEO of the BC Lung Foundation.

To learn more about radon testing and to purchase a test kit, homeowners can visit here where kits can be purchased online. Short and long term radon tests include delivery of confidential lab test results.

For further information, please contact:

David Innes, Director of Sales
Tel: (778) 327 4717

Is there radon in your water?

You can’t see, smell or taste it, but radon is present to some degree in the air that you breathe. If you’re on a residential well, it’s likely in the water you drink.

High levels of dissolved radon are found in the groundwater in some areas flowing through granite or granitic sand and gravel formations. If you live in an area with high radon in groundwater it can get into your private well and create an entry point for radon to enter your house. Showering, washing dishes, and laundering can disturb the water and release radon gas into the air you breathe! (Source: CDC)

Since Mike Holmes Jr. installed an Airwell on the country house on Holmes + Holmes, the questions have been flooding in about radon in water.

Airwell technology works like this:

  1. Purification.

    The Airwell system recirculates and oxidizes residential well water. Water quality is improved by injecting air into the water at source. Pressurized air lifts contaminated water to the surface and releases radon gas. Airwell can also be used as a methane and sulphur mitigation system too. It will also precipitate iron out of the water.

  2. Efficiency.
    Airwell is a low voltage system, consuming roughly the same energy as a 60W light bulb. Patented aeration chamber requires no maintenance or cleaning. Airwell runs 24/7.

  3. Performance.
    Airwell does not affect a constant pressure system. Airwell pumps air 30’ below the water level.

  4. Safety.
    Water is aerated from the aquifer. Radon levels will continue to drop over time. The system is flexible in both the depth of well and the level of radon that can be mitigated.

For more information about this new technology, contact Radon Environmental.

International Builders' Show 2019 in Las Vegas

After a successful show at BUILDEX Vancouver on February 13th and 14th, we were off to exhibit in Las Vegas at the International Builders’ Show (IBS) from February 19th to 21st… and what an unbelievable week it was!

We kicked off the week at the 4th Holmes Summit with many other Holmes Approved Builders and Product partners. It was a packed day sharing ideas and learning about other Holmes Approved Products and Builders.

This was Radon Environmental’s 2nd year attending the IBS Show & Holmes Summit but our first year exhibiting at the show. What an incredible turnout! We even had Mike Holmes and Mike Holmes Jr. visit our booth on Day 2 - check out this video of the Live event.

Here are some photos from our week at IBS 2019 - we are already planning 2020!

Three Alarming Facts About Lung Cancer

#1. Lung Cancer May Not Cause Any Symptoms in its Early Stages

Signs and symptoms sometimes seen in lung cancer:

  • A cough that doesn't go away and gets worse over time

  • Chest pain that doesn't go away

  • Coughing up blood

  • Feeling short of breath

  • Wheezing

  • Losing your voice (hoarseness)

  • Getting sick with pneumonia and bronchitis a lot

  • Swollen neck and face

  • Not hungry, losing weight without trying

  • Feeling tired

These symptoms could mean lung cancer, or it could be something else. If you have these symptoms, go see your doctor to find out what’s causing the symptoms. Your doctor can say for sure what's causing the symptoms and how to treat them.

#2. Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.

Health Canada, the World Health Organization, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and many other respected international authorities all agree – Radon is the number 1 cause of lung cancer for non-smokers.

Recent estimates published by the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada show that 16% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to indoor radon exposure. This estimate is conservative and will increase as radon induced lung cancers are more commonly detected in the future.

#3. Radon-induced lung cancer can be avoided.

Test your home and then mitigate elevated concentrations of radon. The only way to know if you have a radon problem is to test for it. Testing for radon is easy and inexpensive.

Radon + Smoking = dangerous combination! People who smoke and are exposed to elevated levels of radon have a significantly increased risk of developing lung cancer.

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Further Reading:

Canadian Cancer Society